Mission Statement

At Tenaciousminds (Declan Rogers ‘As a Service’), I leverage my experience and knowledge in AI, and Sales Strategy to help you transform your business and enhance your sales & sales operations. My mission is to help you to start your journey in integrating AI & Machine Learning within your business to find efficiencies and become even more profitable. I will also then help you Find, Build, Grow, Accelerate, and Close Deals – efficiently, effectively, relentlessly.

Harnessing Growth Mindset principles, leading sales methodologies, and advanced AI & ML and Cybersecurity technologies & tools, I am committed to empowering businesses of all sizes to grow through AI and exceed their sales & commercial potential. I provide robust, customised tailored solutions and business strategy ideas that deliver unparalleled return on investment and increased time to value.

30 years Sales & Commercial experience in companies of all sizes, verticals, and industries, Bespoke solutions and advanced AI tools are my weapons and Armour, your challenges are my motivation, and your success is my Goal. I am not just a Stategic Business Advisor, I am your commercial growth & business partner, driven to turning possibilities into realities, effectively and relentlessly.

I am dedicated to the Art of the Possible – identifying opportunities, mitigating challenges, and unlocking business potential, from €5K to €100M+ Growth. 

I passionately believe that ‘Where there’s a Will – there’s a Way’, and My Pledge to you is ‘To always have the ‘Will’ to find the ‘Way’, driving your success with Integrity, Innovation, and consistent Tenacity.

To talk with me: 



To see my AI, Commercial experience, and Educational Qualifications visit: 

Declan Rogers | LinkedIn

Team Story

Tenaciousminds was founded by Declan Rogers, a seasoned AI, Cybersecurity, and Sales Strategy expert with a passion for helping businesses grow. 



Declan is a highly skilled and passionate business professional, who works tirelessly to provide his clients with the best possible solutions to their Business Growth and Commercial challenges.



Declan’s commitment to excellence and innovation is what sets Tenaciousminds apart in the industry, and he is proud to be a trusted partner to businesses of all sizes.

What My Clients Say

I’m very thankful for how you helped us see our AI Technology value in terms of time/money saved and revenue generated.


Your business strategy idea pushed us towards thinking that we should add a ROI-calculator on our website and I will use the logic you suggested. 

Founder & Owner – AI Tech Company

Declan’s craft for commercial strategy coupled with his knowledge of Finance & AI for Business has helped our salespeople make most decisions a no-brainer for the customer. 



He has made a huge difference to the proactive conversations we are now having with the customer due to the depth of his AI & Commercial knowledge.

Sales Director –  Large Corporate

Declan has been a fantastic AI and commercial strategy sounding board – helping me to understand AI, sales, listening and understanding the needs of my clients in creative and proactive ways.


He’s great to work with and always has good suggestions of ways to think about things.


CIO & scaling Business Owner – SMB Company

Working with Declan on Commercial Strategy & Sales
Coaching inspired me with the confidence to get on the phone and converse more
consultatively with my clients. Mentoring me, enabled me to get 10x
ROI within just 2 weeks, & accelerate
time to value of a large key sale, by 50%!




In only 5 days he helped accelerate future pipeline by 3 months. Absolutely worth the small investment!

Business Owner – SMB 
